This October, the HLR drama department put on their fall show, Clue: Live On Stage! This show featured the exciting, mystery game we all know and love. Here are some thoughts from before the show by the director of the play, Mr. Badger: ”It’s going to be fun and exciting, if you’re familiar with the game or the movie. You will still be very surprised and have a great time watching the show take place.” Fun and exciting, indeed! The show was full of plot twists and shock. Hearing how fun and exciting the show was from Mr. Badger, let’s see what a four year member of the HLR drama department thought before her last fall play. Erin Barker states, “I’m very excited to work on the show and see it come to life.” The show absolutely came to life through the talent and hard work of these students, who truly transformed a board game into reality. If you have any questions about joining HLR drama, please contact Mr. Badger. Thank you to those who came out to support the drama department!